Law is the set of rules and regulations which are to be followed by the citizens formed by the legal bodies for proper working of the country. In every county there is set of rules and regulations know as constitution, and Indian Constitution is the longest amongst that. It has 395 articles, and 103 amendments at present. It was enforced on January 26, 1950. Indian constitution has preamble which signifies the Sovereign, Socialist, Secular Democratic republic to secure to all its citizens.

Indian constitutions have many laws, rules, regulations, fundamental duties, fundamental rights, for the citizens of India. According to last survey which was in 2017 there are total 1248 laws which are both as central and state law. Though there are these many laws for the betterment of the country, these laws are not followed by every citizen properly. For the implementation of these laws there are three branches working that are Executive, Legislature and Judiciary, but then also these laws are not properly implemented in every part of the country. In big cities and towns these rules and regulations, laws are somewhat easy to be followed by the citizens of the country, but in village area they don’t follow the laws amended by the Parliament, they rather go with their traditional or old methods. Take the case of dowry system, the parliament has Dowry Prohibition act, 1961, in which is giving dowry to the groom and his family is an offence.

Then also bride’s family give the dowry in the name of gift to the groom’s family, this is indirect way of giving dowry to the family. There are some other acts also like The Reservation Act, 2009 which consist of various reservation accesses to seats in the various legislature, governmental jobs, and entrance to higher education to the scheduled cast and scheduled tribe by government of India. The constitution prohibits Untouchability and obligations the state to make special provision for the betterment of SCs and STs. This law is helpful for not only SCs and STs but for the women, OBC as well, they can also go for higher studies if they want to pursue or become the part of the legislature assembly. But somewhere this law is also misused by the SCs, STs and OBCs; if they don’t require reservation they try to use this law for their purpose. Government made so much of changes in the law that in few years they changed the taxation policy of India, they introduced the GST as GST tax or Goods and Services tax, 2017. In this they introduced GST and the new tax policy and they replace the VAT.

Though people find it more convenient as in GST they have to pay all taxes once, before there where many taxes which was paid by the citizens. There is not only the parliament who makes the laws, but the other sectors like RBI, SEBI they make their own laws. There are cyber crime which harms the data of the government, bank account. Though government has made law against cyber crime hackers are still hacking which is creating difficulties for the government to keep their data safely. These laws are passed through the Lokpal Bills. If it is found that anyone is breaking law then the civil suit is filed against the same and punishment is given according to the punishment mentioned in the constitution.

It is therefore very important that legal education be at the forefront and Lloyd Law College, Best law colleges, has done just that by setting up the LLOYD INTERNATIONAL HIGHER EDUCATION ASSISTANCE CENTER to further the cause higher education that is lagging in many areas and specifically the legal arena.


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