International school of design (INSD) is a premier institute imparting high quality education in the field of Fashion Design and Technology for the last 15 years. After making a successful foray in Delhi, Bangalore, Hyderabad, INSD brings professional education to the capital of Fashion- Mumbai. INSD was established in 2011. 11 students enrolled at our Delhi campus and from there began our journey. Our mission from Day 1 was to become a specialist school for arts, design and media in India by following the highest international standards and regularly working with the best minds of the industry globally. In 2013 our first franchise center opened up and we also hosted in the first fashion show. The journey continued and in 2014 we signed our first international MOU. Today we work with several colleges from around Europe and the United States and are students get the opportunity to present regularly at prestigious shows across. Our alumni are working for some of the biggest names in the industry and have contributed to some iconic designs. They have founded design firms that are excelling and transcending boundaries. 55+ centers across 19 states and an alumni strength that runs into thousands. Yes, we have come a long way from the 11 students way back in 2011. But we remain committed to further growing as a design school by constantly evolving our teaching practises and upgrading our resources.