Section Key Terms

angular acceleration kinematics of rotational motion lever arm
tangential acceleration torque

Rotational Kinematics

In the section on uniform circular motion, we discussed motion in a circle at constant speed and, therefore, constant angular velocity. However, there are times when angular velocity is not constant—rotational motion can speed up, slow down, or reverse directions. Angular velocity is not constant when a spinning skater pulls in her arms, when a child pushes a merry-go-round to make it rotate, or when a CD slows to a halt when switched off. In all these cases, angular acceleration occurs because the angular velocity ω changes. The faster the change occurs, the greater is the angular acceleration. Angular acceleration α is the rate of change of angular velocity. In equation form, average angular acceleration is

These equations mean that the magnitudes of tangential acceleration and angular acceleration are directly proportional to each other. The greater the angular acceleration, the larger the change in tangential acceleration, and vice versa. For example, consider riders in their pods on a Ferris wheel at rest. A Ferris wheel with greater angular acceleration will give the riders greater tangential acceleration because, as the Ferris wheel increases its rate of spinning, it also increases its tangential velocity. Note that the radius of the spinning object also matters. For example, for a given angular acceleration α , a smaller Ferris wheel leads to a smaller tangential acceleration for the riders.

We can now begin to see how rotational quantities like θ , ω , and α are related to each other. For example, if a motorcycle wheel that starts at rest has a large angular acceleration for a fairly long time, it ends up spinning rapidly and rotates through many revolutions. Putting this in terms of the variables, if the wheel’s angular acceleration α is large for a long period of time t, then the final angular velocity ω and angle of rotation θ are large. In the case of linear motion, if an object starts at rest and undergoes a large linear acceleration, then it has a large final velocity and will have traveled a large distance.